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You’re Craving a Reality TV Presidential Race
Buckle up: Groomers, school kid murderers, pedophiles, women killers, racists, hypocrites, liars, and thieves…and some very nice people
It takes a bully to beat a bully.
Biden’s calm, cool, politeness worked in 2020 but will not work in 2024.
Our countries throwing away and breaking norms so quickly, there are no political boundaries in sight, and hitting below the belt is acceptable. So democrats had better learn to play this game of hardball, or they’ll literally be stricken out of existence.
I grew up in the era when politicians spoke robotically with little emotion or drama — boring stuff mostly. Adults thought they should set an example for their children with civil discourse and debate. Next to a pre-school dance recital, presidential politics used to be the most boring thing on earth.
Trump, single-handedly made politics fun and exciting but did so by glorifying bullying as a legitimate political tactic — Americans (and the world) had never seen a politician so effectively shout down his opponents through brutal, vulgar, schoolyard taunts reverting us all back to an elementary school mentality where all we really cared about was whether Tommy was gonna punch the crap out of little Robbie or if Richie really got to second base with Susie.